my own page...

I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

November 27, 2006

i guess i really should stay here...

American Cities That Best Fit You::
60% New York City
55% Boston
55% Washington, DC
50% Austin
50% Chicago

November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! May we always remember what we are thankful for and be grateful for them.

November 21, 2006

someone's trespassing...

The day started out as a regular day, taught my undergrad class in the morning and had consultation hours. But when I got home thats when I was surprised to find a cop inside our apartment. It seems that someone had entered our apartment and rummaged around.

Franny actually saw the person (she said it was a kid) come out from our apartment. Good thing she didn't try to stop the kid, you never know what the kid would or could do. And we're pretty sure that the kid is not alone, more than likely he had a lookout as well. Good thing franny and i both brought our laptops with us, if not I'm sure they would have been both as good as gone. After giving our apartment a quick search, nothing was missing. I guess the kid didn't have much time to get anything. Fortunately, Franny wasn't harmed in any way.

Well that pretty much sums up what happened earlier. It really does mess up one's sense of security. You then question whether or not you will be safe and whether you can actually leave your apartment for a prolonged period and still come back to see your stuff still there.

Tomorrow, we'll change our locks again just to ensure that if the person got a copy it would be rendered useless. That's life in the bronx, but its something we hope and pray we (and anyone else for that matter) won't have to deal with again.

November 20, 2006

comp results and a weigh-in

Had another good day at the courts today. As usual, I did my usual weigh in and I managed to lose a few pounds. It's not much, but I'm getting closer to my first goal, which would be to get myself below 250lbs.

current weight : 250.75lbs
weight lost : 1.25lbs

That's it, just less than a pound to go. I just hope I maintain it especially with all the food that will be available this Thanksgiving! hehe!


In other news, I got the results back from my price theory comprehensive exam. I was able to get earn a score of High Pass. Of course that's all good, but more importantly, that means I'm done with all the requirements for my Ph.D. save for one, my dissertation.

Honestly, I haven't really done as much work as I should have for my dissertation. I've already had a few discussions with my mentor and its given me a few more ideas on what I'm going to do. In case you're interested, I'm planning to discuss corruption and development. One of my initial ideas would be to show how the former is really a necessary evil that a country has to go through and also show that the nation can take advantage of it.

If you have any ideas about it, feel free to message me about it. I'm open to any ideas you might have as well.

November 6, 2006

monday weigh-in

For those who frequent my blog, one would have noticed that I haven't posted a recent weigh-in for sometime now. I have been continually doing the weigh-in after every gym session I have, the reason why I haven't posted any of it is because there wasn't any progress. Whenever I got on the scale it would be the same from last week, and also the week before that.

Since I am posting a new weigh-in, you can already guess that there must have been some kind of progress.

Current weight : 255lbs
Weight lost : 252lbs

Just a few pounds to get below 250lbs. =)

November 5, 2006

no more comps!!!

Earlier today, I took my Price Theory Comprehensives. It was that last one I needed to take and I feel really confident that I was able to answer enough questions to get a Pass (you can actually get a marginal pass, which is also good enough). I got a bit lucky since the items that I really studied and was prepared for were some of the questions.

Well I find out in three weeks what I actually get. There is still one more set of compre exams to be given next saturday, and it usually takes two weeks for professors to post out the results.


In other news, the weather has finally turned and it's been really cold lately. It's been around the mid-40s. Had to get out the winter coats as well as other winter accessories.

What really is frustrating with the weather lately has been how inconsistent its been. One week it will be in the low 60s and suddenly drop down to 40s and then go back up to the high 50s. You really can't get yourself conditioned with the cold.

That's pretty much it for now.

November 1, 2006

happy birthday november celebrants!

May all those celebrating their birthday have a wonderful time celebrating it with their loved ones. Let the following years be filled with more of God's blessings. God bless and take care.

1 - marc a.
3 - mike m.
4 - don u.
5 - lester o., chester y.
7 - tito ben
9 - liza y.
10 - diane l.
15 - rhobee p.
16 - miguel h.
17 - joy t., jofel j., nerrie b., alex h., cyrus b.
21 - cj t.
24 - lorraine i.
26 - tricia c.
28 - hana h-c.
