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I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

November 5, 2006

no more comps!!!

Earlier today, I took my Price Theory Comprehensives. It was that last one I needed to take and I feel really confident that I was able to answer enough questions to get a Pass (you can actually get a marginal pass, which is also good enough). I got a bit lucky since the items that I really studied and was prepared for were some of the questions.

Well I find out in three weeks what I actually get. There is still one more set of compre exams to be given next saturday, and it usually takes two weeks for professors to post out the results.


In other news, the weather has finally turned and it's been really cold lately. It's been around the mid-40s. Had to get out the winter coats as well as other winter accessories.

What really is frustrating with the weather lately has been how inconsistent its been. One week it will be in the low 60s and suddenly drop down to 40s and then go back up to the high 50s. You really can't get yourself conditioned with the cold.

That's pretty much it for now.


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