my own page...

I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

November 30, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their birthday this month! God bless and may you all have a great time with family and friends celebrating.

1 - ton-ton f.
6 - daddy kiko
7 - mich b.
8 - anna m., jay a.
10 - jay p.
11 - maharl s.
15 - tonypet a.
17 - joey b.
18 - nicol p.
24 - tina k., bridget j.
26 - pia dl., ekay c.


November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


let's all remember what we are thankful for and enjoy the company of friends and family!!!

November 15, 2007

my new yahoo id...

I created a new yahoo id --> noel102079

Unfortunately, I didn't record all the contacts that I had, if you don't mind, please add me to your list or send me your id so I can send a request.

Thank you very much. Again my apologies to all those inconvenienced with my old "noelmnh" account.

November 14, 2007

A few top 10 lists about econ

I know've posted some of these bits before, but I just felt like posting them again. Here are a few top 10 lists with my comments in italics.

Top 10 Reasons To Study Economics

  1. economists are armed and dangerous: "watch out for our invisible hands." --such a creepy thought!
  2. economists can supply it on demand
  3. you can talk about money without ever having to make any. --clearly the case for us grad students
  4. you get to say "trickle down" with a straight face.
  5. Mick Jagger and Arnold Schwarzenegger both studied economics and look how they turned out.
  6. When you are in the unemployment line, at least you will know why you are there. --just doing your part as part of the nat'l level of unemployment
  7. if you rearrange the letters in "ECONOMICS", you get "COMIC NOSE".
  8. Although ethics teaches that virtue is its own reward, in economics we get taught that reward is its own virtue.
  9. When you get drunk, you can tell everyone that you are just researching the law of diminishing marginal utility.
  10. When you call 1-900-LUV-ECON and get Kandi Keynes, you will have something to talk about.

Top 10 Economist Valentines.

  1. you raise my interest rate thirty basis points without a corresponding dropoff in consumer enthusiasm.
  2. despite a decade of inflation, i still dig your supply curve.
  3. what do you say we remeasure our cross-elasticity.
  4. you bring the butter, ill bring the gun.
  5. let's raise housing starts together.
  6. further stimulus could result in uncontrolled expansion.
  7. tell me whether my expectations are rational.
  8. let's assume a ritzy hotel room and a bottle of dom
  9. you toke the animal spirits of my market
  10. a loag of bread, a jug of wine, and thou beside me watching rukeyser

Ten Things To Do With A Graduate Economics Textbook

  1. press pretty flowers. --works as well trying to flatten something
  2. press pretty insects.
  3. use it as a paper weight on your already overcluttered desk. --it is very effective
  4. leave out in obvious places to impress unimformed undergraduates.
  5. mail to the White House as an intimidation tactic.
  6. give it a walk-on part in a boring European existentialist play.
  7. just throw the damn thing away. --no way am i throwing away an expensive piece of trash!
  8. leave out for the rain and other forces of nature to reckon with.
  9. read it (hahaha!!!) --how sad...
  10. get a refund from bookstore so you can buy a weekend's supply of beer.

November 12, 2007

about yahoo


I've texted some of you already, but for those I do not have the luxury of knowing your cell numbers, I want to inform you all that my yahoo account has been hacked and that whoever it is that is using it, is trying to scam you all into buying them some globe credits.

Please ignore the said individual! I have contacted Yahoo about it and for reasons beyond me, they don't seem to understand the problem. They've replied saying that I can simply reset the password by clicking on the link to do so.

I still haven't created another yahoo account so I can log back into yahoo messenger. I am sorry for the inconveniece or the trouble caused by the hacker using my name.

November 8, 2007

Goofing around...

Tina came over a few days ago and we decided to play with the photo booth application (i got myself a mac desktop). This is what came out of it.

I'm still trying to figure my way around my new computer. It does take some time getting used to the commands. Can't wait to get parallel desktop running so I can start using certain windows applications again. Hehehe! =)

yahoo problems...

I just got home an hour or two ago, and for some reason I am having problems logging on to my yahoo messenger. At first, I thought it was one of those instances when YM is just down and its not available.

But then I try to access my email accounts and I get the message, "invalid password". What the?!?! To think just a few hours ago I was able to access my yahoo account while at work, and now its saying that I have an invalid password!

I am really annoyed cause, I've tried resetting my password and nothing seems to work. I've already emailed yahoo customer service hoping that they can do something. I'm not sure if it'll be successful. It's just so frustrating! What a way to end the day...