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I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

September 17, 2007

How to Relax about Money!

Here is a little something written by Sark. It's a poster I bought during my first year in the US.

your money is not your life.
it just seems that way sometimes.
true wealth is inside of you.
learn to cultivate
money miracles. go back to
money innnocence.
be who you truly are
and the money will follow.
you are safe.
if you find yourself worrying
about money, why were you lost
in the first place? read
"money and how it gets that way"
by Henry Miller.
make friends with money.
money is like love -
the more you give away,
the more comes back.
watch the movie, "it's a
wonderful life." when any money
flows in for you, it's time to help

Help them now.
money was invented to be shared.
start a revolution: refuse
to believe in recessions.
we need to rewrite recession
to read : money recess.
remember recess? you got to go
outside, kick a ball,
and feel free from school.
we all need to feel free
about money!
take a deep breath.
what you are worth is not about

Relax. You are safe.


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