my own page...

I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

May 1, 2007

visiting the old stomping grounds...

Went back to Ateneo earlier today. It was really nice being able to visit where I have so many fond memories. Things have really changed since I last visited. Below are the pictures that I took during my quick stroll.

The new student center! It was a bit amusing when I walked into the new sanggu. The rooms are nice and spacious, all orgs have their own room unlike before where 4 orgs had to share one room. Though what I found amusing with the sanggu room was that they were still using the same old tables that we used to use in 2001. Those tables were really old when we were using it. I'm surprised they didn't throw it out and get new ones.

The new Horacio De La Costa Hall. It was nice to see that there is finally more space for the various departments situated there. I remember during college how cramped up the whole place with be with students trying to file in to meet their professors for oral exams or to pick up papers.

I remember how it was in this area there would sometimes be fishball and "dirty" ice cream vendors during certain times of the schoolyear (usually during festival season).

Actually I was still in college when they renovated the college chapel. I really like how it looks. Even though its right next to the cafeteria, it's surprisingly quiet inside it. You can really spend time there in silence in prayer and reflection. The wooden figures are the chapel's stations of the cross.

It was really nice getting to walk around the campus. The next thing I have to check out would be the Gesu!

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