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I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

March 18, 2007

Crazy weather!!!

The weather has been extremely crazy the past few days. It started with Wednesday being such a beautiful day, the weather actually was up to 60s which was unusually high given that its just March. It was the same the very next day, it might have been a nicer day one could say. But on the way back, I found out that the very next day (it was 70 degrees at that point) that it was going to start snowing around midnight.

True enough, once I got home I checked out the weather forecast and that was the case. For two straight days its been bitter cold. I can't wait for winter to be over. In some ways, it is a bit weird lately. Daylight savings was in place a few weeks earlier than usual, then you have the warm weather. It really can make you feel that winter is over and spring is about to begin. But of course, nature will give you a nice reminder that you can't take out your spring wardrobe yet. Hehehe!

Good thing I didn't get sick this time. I usually have a rough time when the temperature really changes drastically.



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