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I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

July 29, 2005

a change in opinion on an old story

i was browsing through old emails and other blogs, and i chanced upon this story which i'm sure all of us are familiar. i have no idea what the actual title is, but it's the story of how guys have this girl who is their best friend who is always there but they never realize that she is in fact in love with him and that he hurts her by taking her for granted.

i always felt that it was a sad story on how guys can sometimes get caught up and not see what's actually right in front of them. not realizing what they have and how special it may be with their close female friend. but when after reading it now, being older already (i think i first read this story when i was in high school) i still think its a sad story not because the guy can't see what's going on, but for the fact that the girl cannot admit her feelings to him! i mean, obviously he doesn't see you in the same way he looks at other people. but that doesnt mean that the girl should just accept that fact! she might as well do something about it!

just something i thought about.


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