my own page...

I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

December 12, 2007

Four things... (copied from jonner)

Four jobs I have had in my life: No particular order
1. professional student
2. budget analyst
3. GED instructor
4. teaching fellow/assistant

Four movies I would watch over and over
1. Lord of the Rings → all 12 hours
2. Love Actually
3. Schindler’s List → I’d be really down and depressed afterwards
4. Godfather

Four places I have lived:
1. Gainesville, Florida
2. Quezon City, Philippines
3. Manila, Philippines
4. Bronx, New York

Four TV shows that I watch (currently):
1. House
2. Bones
3. High Stakes Poker
4. Ninja Warrior

Four places I have been: → I assume we’re talking about places aside from where I’ve lived.
1. Singapore, Singapore
2. Dallas, Texas
3. Chicago, IL
4. Vancouver, Canada

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Franny
2. my boss
3. family egroups
4. high school classmates egroups

Four of my favorite foods:
1. franny’s lasagna
2. manang maria’s baked spaghetti
3. sinigang na baboy
4. fried chicken → most especially from Hop Kee

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. in bed
2. in florida hanging out with my parents and bro
3. back in manila, spending time with franny’s family
4. just reading a book at the beach

Four friends I think will respond:
1. Franny
2. Mae
3. Kevin
4. Tina

Four things I am looking forward to this year/2008:
1. Baby!!!
2. Family coming to visit!
3. Weight loss! → I keep telling myself
4. My dissertation proposal getting approved!


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