my own page...

I have given myself 2 years to finish writing my dissertation, which means me graduating in May 2008.

December 2, 2005

since we were in the city...

it was just a regular nightout for franny and i. we were walking around the lincoln center area, going to barnes and noble and finding some items which would be good gifts! we then went to bed, bath and beyond just to check out some stuff.

we came out with a few items and more importantly, we registered for our bridal registry! hehehe! we had planned to have it there but we really didn't plan on doing it that night. Since we were there we might as well start putting some stuff. hehehe! nothing wrong with it. hehehe =)

it was fun having the scanner and just adding stuff to the list of stuff we would like to have! you should all try it though they might not lend it just to anyone!


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